After sales Service & Parts Supply
  • According to the packing list, our engineers will check the goods with our customers together. In addition, if needed, we will send engineers to install and debug equipment on-site, and our engineers will undertake training on related technology and equipment operation.
  • In order to help customers solve problems timely and provide technical support, we have established a comprehensive “after-sales service and technical support” response system. 7 * 24 hours online service is always for customers!
  • Our parts supply is also a “7*24 hours” response system, so if we receive a phone call during the daytime, the goods will send on the same day; if a phone call in the evening, the goods will be delivered the next day.

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Interested in our amusement park rides? Or want to build a theme park? Please freely contact us for quotation by form below. We will contact you within a few hours and show you the detailed product information and quotation:

  • How To Build a Theme Park?

    We will provide you professional and complete solution to amusement park planning for free.
  • Customize Rides

    All amusement rides can be customized as your requirements.
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